Get Ready For The Perseid Meteor Shower

Hey there, stargazers! Are you ready for one of the coolest astronomical events of the year? The Perseid meteor shower is just around the corner, and it’s something you definitely don’t want to miss. Here’s everything you need to know to catch this spectacular light show.

Perseid Meteor Shower

What is the Perseid Meteor Shower?

The Perseid meteor shower is an annual event that happens every August. It's one of the best meteor showers of the year because it has a high number of meteors, and it occurs during the warm summer nights in the Northern Hemisphere. This makes it a favourite for many stargazers.

The Perseids are named after the constellation Perseus because the meteors appear to come from that part of the sky. But don't worry, you don't need to know exactly where Perseus is to enjoy the show. Just look up, and you'll see meteors streaking across the sky.

Perseid Meteor Shower

When to Watch?

Mark your calendars for the peak nights of August 12th and 13th. For the best views,head outside after midnight, especially once the moon has set. This will ensure the sky is at its darkest, allowing you to see the maximum number of meteors.

Where to Watch?

To get the best view, find the darkest spot possible, away from city lights. While the meteors will be visible all across the sky, they will appear to radiate from the constellation Perseus. This constellation rises in the northeast and moves across thesky through the night.

Perseid Meteor Shower

Why Does It Happen?

The Perseid meteor shower happens because Earth passes through the trail of debris left by the comet Swift-Tuttle. As the tiny bits of comet dust enter Earth's atmosphere, they burn up and create the bright streaks of light we see as meteors. Swift-Tuttle is a big comet, with a nucleus about 16 miles across, which is why the Perseids are so prolific.

Cool Facts About the Perseids

Bright Fireballs: The Perseids are known for their fireballs, which are brighter and more spectacular than typical meteors. These can light up the sky and leave trails that last a few seconds.
A Summer Highlight: The Perseids are so popular partly because they peak during the warm nights of summer, making it comfortable to stay out and watch the sky.
Perseid Meteor Shower
Perseid Meteor Shower

Pro Tips!

Let your eyes adjust to the dark: Spend about 30 minutes in the dark to allow your eyes to adapt. This will help you see even the faintest meteors.
Bring a blanket or a reclining chair: Comfort is key! Lying down or reclining willmake it easier to watch the sky for extended periods.
Make it a social event: Invite friends and family, and turn the meteor shower intoa stargazing party. Sharing the experience makes it even more special.
So, pack your bags, grab some snacks, and prepare for a night filled with wonder and awe. The Perseid Meteor Shower is nature’s own fireworks show, and it's something you definitely don't want to miss!

Happy stargazing!

By Natanicha Kasaratana
Digital Marketing Executive