Data Protection Policy for Schooly


Schooly Education LTD (Schooly) is an online tutoring company that
provides academic support to learners aged 11-18.
We respect the privacy and confidentiality of all users and are
committed to complying with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) and
the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This policy explains how we handle personal data, including what we
collect, why we collect it, how we use it, who we share it with, how long we
keep it, and your rights and choices.
We take measures to protect personal data from unauthorised access,
loss, destruction, or damage.

This policy applies to all users of the Schooly online tutoring platform
and should be read in conjunction with our other policies and


For the purposes of this policy, we use the following definitions:

- Personal data: information relating to an identified or identifiable
individual, such as name or email address.

- Sensitive personal data: a special category of personal data revealing
sensitive information, requiring higher protection and consent.

- Data subject: the individual whose personal data is processed.

- Data controller: the organisation determining the purposes and
means of processing personal data.

- Data processor: the organisation processing personal data on behalf
of the data controller.

- Data protection ocer (DPO): oversees policy implementation and
ensures compliance with data protection laws. Acts as a contact point
for queries or complaints.


We adhere to the following principles in relation to personal data:

- We process personal data lawfully, fairly and transparently.

- We collect personal data only for specified, explicit and legitimate

- We process personal data only in a way that is adequate, relevant and
limited to what is necessary.

- We keep personal data accurate and up to date.

- We retain personal data only for as long as necessary.

- We ensure appropriate security of personal data.

What personal data do we collect?

We collect dierent types of personal data depending on your
relationship with us.

- For all users, including tutors, learners, parents or carers of learners,
and sta members of our platform, we collect data such as their name,
contact information, and feedback.

- For tutors, we also collect data such as their qualifications,
experience, availability, rates, bank details, and DBS check.

- For learners, we also collect data such as their age, grade level,
subject area(s), and learning needs and goals.

- For parents or carers of learners, we also collect data about their

- For staff members of our platform we also collect data such as their
role, qualifications, experience, salary, bank details, and performance.

This data is used to register users on our platform, match them with
suitable tutors or learners, facilitate sessions, pay them for their
services or work, monitor their performance or progress, provide
support and training or guidance, and comply with legal obligations.

We may collect sensitive personal data, such as health or religious
data, if relevant and necessary for our online tutoring service. We
always ask for explicit consent before collecting and processing
sensitive data.

We collect personal data directly from you when you register, use our
service, contact us, or provide feedback. We may also collect data from
third parties who process it on our behalf.

How do we use your personal data?

We use your personal data for the purposes stated above, in
accordance with the legal basis for processing.

The legal basis depends on your relationship with us and includes
contract, legitimate interest, legal obligation, and consent.

We process data to perform our contract with you, monitor
performance or progress, provide support and training or guidance,
improve our service, and comply with legal obligations.

We ask for consent before processing sensitive data or sending
marketing communications.

We will not use your data for incompatible purposes without obtaining
prior consent or as required or permitted by law.

Who do we share your personal data with?

We may share your personal data with third parties who provide
services on our behalf, ensuring they have adequate security measures
and contractual obligations to protect it.

We may also share data with parties who have a legitimate interest or
legal right to access it, if required or permitted by law or with your prior

We will not sell, rent, or trade your personal data for marketing or
commercial purposes without your prior consent.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes
stated above, in accordance with our legal obligations and legitimate

For all users, including tutors, learners, parents or carers of learners,
and staff members of our platform, we keep their personal data until
they have finished using our platform.

We may retain some data for longer if required by law or for shorter
periods if you request deletion or erasure.

We securely delete or dispose of your personal data when no longer
needed using appropriate methods.

How do we protect your personal data?

We take measures to protect your personal data, including using secure
platforms and systems, encrypting data, restricting access, providing
training and guidance, implementing policies and procedures, and
monitoring compliance.

However, no method is completely secure. We ask you to also take steps to protect your personal data, such as using strong passwords and not sharing account details or passwords. Report any suspicious activity.

What rights and choices do you have in relation to your personal data?

You have certain rights and choices regarding your personal data
under the DPA 2018 and GDPR.
These include the right to be informed, access, rectification, erasure,
restrict processing, data portability, object, withdraw consent, and
We will respond to your requests or queries within one month and may
refuse to comply if the request is unfounded or excessive.
If you are unhappy with how we handle your personal data, you have
the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Oce (ICO) or
another supervisory authority.
The CEO of Schooly is currently acting as the Data Protection Ocer
(DPO) and can be contacted for any queries or requests regarding your
personal data.


We will review this policy regularly and update it as necessary to reflect any changes in our data protection practices or compliance requirements.

Any changes or updates to this policy will be communicated to all tutors, learners, parents/carers, and staff.


If you have any questions or comments about this policy, or if you want
to exercise any of your rights or choices in relation to your personal
data, please contact our DPO at:

Name: Mojdeh Deris

Thank you for choosing Schooly for your online tutoring needs. We
hope you enjoy learning with us in a secure and confidential manner. 😊