Complaints Procedure for Schooly


Schooly Education LTD (Schooly) is an online tutoring company that
provides high-quality academic support to learners aged 11-18 in
various subjects.

Schooly strives to deliver a satisfactory and enjoyable online tutoring
experience to all tutors, learners, parents/carers, and sta who use our

However, we recognise that sometimes things may go wrong or not meet
your expectations. If you have a complaint about any aspect of our
online tutoring service, we want to hear from you and resolve it as
quickly and fairly as possible.


This procedure explains how to make a complaint about Schooly, our
online tutoring service, our customer service, or our employees or
subcontractors. It also outlines the steps we will take to investigate and
respond to your complaint.

This procedure applies to all tutors, learners, parents/carers, and staff
who use the Schooly online tutoring platform. It should be read in
conjunction with our other policies and procedures, such as our Code
of Conduct, Data Protection Policy, Safeguarding Policy, and Online
Safety Guidelines.

How to make a complaint

You can make a complaint by contacting us via email on You can do this at any time within 30 days of the
issue arising. When making a complaint, please provide as much
information as possible, such as:

- Your name, email address, phone number, and complaint reference (if you have one).

- The name and role of the person or department you are complaining
about (if applicable).

- The date, time, and location of the issue or incident (if applicable).

- A clear and detailed description of your complaint, including what
happened, how it aected you, and what outcome you would like to see

- Any evidence or documents that support your complaint, such as
screenshots, emails, feedback forms, etc.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days
and provide you with a complaint reference. We will also inform you of the name and contact details of the complaint handler who will be
dealing with your complaint.

How we handle complaints

We handle complaints in two stages: informal and formal.

- Informal stage:

Your complaint will be handled by the relevant person or department
within Schooly who will try to resolve it directly with you within 10
working days. If they are unable to resolve it or if you are not satisfied
with the resolution, you can escalate it to the formal stage by
requesting a review from a senior manager.

- Formal stage:

Your complaint will be handled by a senior manager who will review
your complaint and the informal resolution (if any) and conduct further investigations if necessary. They will aim to provide you with a written response within 20 working days. If they are unable to do so or if you are not satisfied with the response, you can escalate it to an external body (see below).

At each stage, we will communicate clearly and regularly with you about the progress and outcome of your complaint. We will also keep a record of all actions taken in relation to your complaint, including dates, times, names, details, outcomes, etc

How to escalate a complaint

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint at either
stage, you can escalate it to an external body for further review or
arbitration. Depending on the nature of your complaint, you can
contact one of the following organisations:

- The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual): If
your complaint is about the quality or standards of our online tutoring
service in relation to regulated qualifications¹.

- The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO): If your complaint is
about how we handle your personal data in relation to data protection

- The Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform: If your complaint is
about any other aspect of our online tutoring service or customer


We will review this procedure regularly and update it as necessary to
reflect any changes in our complaints handling practices or
compliance requirements. Any changes or updates to this procedure
will be communicated to all tutors, learners, parents/carers, and staff.


If you have any questions or comments about this procedure, or if you
want to make or escalate a complaint, please contact us via email on

Thank you for choosing Schooly for your online tutoring needs. We
hope you enjoy learning with us in a respectful and professional
manner. 😊