Code of Conduct for Schooly


This code of conduct outlines the standards and expectations for all tutors, learners, parents/carers, and staff who use the Schooly online tutoring platform. It aims to ensure that all parties involved in the online tutoring service behave in a respectful, professional, and ethical manner, and that the online tutoring environment is safe, supportive, and conducive to learning.


This code of conduct applies to all tutors, learners, parents/carers, and staff who use the Schooly online tutoring platform. It covers all aspects of the online tutoring service, including the registration, scheduling, delivery, feedback, and payment of the online tutoring sessions.


We adhere to the following principles in relation to our online tutoring service:

– We respect the dignity, rights, and diversity of all tutors, learners, parents/carers, and staff.

– We promote academic honesty and integrity among all tutors and learners.– We provide high.

-quality online tutoring that meets the individual needs and goals of each learner.

– We protect the privacy and confidentiality of all tutors, learners, parents/carers, and staff.

– We comply with all relevant laws, regulations, policies, and procedures that govern our online tutoring service.


All tutors, learners, parents/carers, and staff who use the Schooly online tutoring platform have the following responsibilities:


Tutors are responsible for:

– Providing clear and accurate information about their qualifications, experience, availability, and rates when registering on the platform.

– Preparing and delivering engaging and effective online tutoring sessions that are tailored to the learner’s needs and goals.

– Using appropriate language and tone in all interactions with learners, parents/carers, and staff.

– Maintaining professional boundaries and avoiding any inappropriate or personal contact with learners or parents/carers outside of the platform.

– Following the Schooly safeguarding policy and reporting any safeguarding concerns or incidents to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) as soon as possible.

– Completing regular training on safeguarding and online safety provided by Schooly.

– Adhering to the Schooly policies and procedures on data protection, payment, feedback, complaints, etc.

– Seeking feedback from learners and parents/carers on their online tutoring sessions and making improvements where necessary.

– Communicating promptly and respectfully with learners, parents/carers, and staff through the platform or other approved channels.


Learners are responsible for:

– Providing clear and accurate information about their age, grade level, subject area(s), learning needs and goals when registering on the platform.

– Choosing a suitable and qualified tutor from the available options on the platform.

– Scheduling and attending online tutoring sessions at agreed times using a secure and reliable device and internet connection.

– Completing any homework or assignments assigned by the tutor before or after the online tutoring sessions.

– Using appropriate language and tone in all interactions with tutors, parents/carers, and staff.

– Respecting the tutor’s expertise and guidance during the online tutoring sessions.

– Following the Schooly safeguarding policy and reporting any safeguarding concerns or incidents to the DSL or a trusted adult as soon as possible.

– Following the Schooly policies and procedures on data protection, payment, feedback, complaints, etc.

– Providing honest and constructive feedback to tutors on their online tutoring sessions through the platform or other approved channels.


parents/Carers are responsible for:

– Providing clear and accurate information about their child’s age, grade level, subject area(s), learning needs and goals when registering them on the platform.

– Choosing a suitable and qualified tutor for their child from the available options on the platform.

– Ensuring that their child has access to a secure and reliable device and internet connection for the online tutoring sessions.

– Supervising or monitoring their child’s online tutoring sessions as appropriate for their age and maturity level.

– Supporting their child’s learning progress by reviewing their homework or assignments assigned by the tutor before or after the online tutoring sessions.

– Using appropriate language and tone in all interactions with tutors, learners, and staff.

– Respecting the tutor’s expertise and guidance during the online tutoring sessions.

– Following the Schooly safeguarding policy and reporting any safeguarding concerns or incidents to the DSL as soon as possible.

– Following the Schooly policies and procedures on data protection, payment, feedback,complaints etc.

– Providing honest and constructive feedback to tutors on their child’s online tutoring sessions through the platform or other approved channels.


Staff are responsible for:

– Providing clear and accurate information about Schooly’s online tutoring service to tutors,learners,parents/carersand other parties.

-Ensuring that all tutors are suitably qualified, experienced and checked to work with children and young people online.

-Ensuring that all tutors are trained and updated on safeguarding and online safety issues and best practices.

-Ensuring that all online tutoring sessions are conducted using a secure and reliable platform that allows for monitoring and recording of the sessions.

-Ensuring that all online tutoring sessions are conducted in a respectful and professional manner, with clear boundariesand communication between the tutor and the learner.

-Ensuring that all online tutoring sessions are tailored to the individual needs and abilities of the learner, and that feedbackand progress are regularly shared with the learner and the parent/carer.

-Providing ongoing support and supervision to all tutors to ensure they are confident and competent in delivering online tutoring.

-Providing online safety resources and tips to all learners,parents/carers, and other parties to help them stay safe online.

-Using appropriate language and tone in all interactions with tutors,learners, parents/carers, and other parties.

-Maintaining professional boundaries and avoiding any inappropriate or personal contact with tutors, learners, or parents/carers outside of the platform.

-Following the Schooly safeguarding policy and reporting any safeguarding concerns or incidents to the DSL as soon as possible.

-Completing regular training on safeguarding and online safety provided by Schooly.

-Adhering to the Schooly policies and procedures on data protection,Payment, feedback, complaints, etc.

-Seeking feedback from tutors, learners, parents/carers,and other parties on Schooly’s online tutoring serviceand making improvements where necessary.

-Monitoring and evaluating Schooly’s online tutoring performanceand outcomes using data from records and reports.


Any breaches of this code of conduct will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, such as suspension, termination, or referral to relevant authorities. Any breaches of this code of conduct should be reported to Schooly’s management or DSL as soon as possible.


This code of conduct will be reviewed regularly by Schooly’s management and DSL to ensure that it is up to date and reflects the best practices and standards for online tutoring. Any changes or updates to this code of conduct will be communicated to all tutors, learners, parents/carers, and staff.


If you have any questions or comments about this code of conduct, please contact Schooly’s management or DSL at:

Name: Mojdeh Deris


Thank you for choosing Schooly for your online tutoring needs. We hope you enjoy learning with us in a respectful, professional, and ethical manner. 😊